FCM ( Fat Corrected Milk)
The energy requirement for production of a pound of milk is dependent on the energy content of the milk.
Generally, there is a relatively close correlation between the amount of fat in milk and the energy content.
Frequently milk production is calculated to an approximately equal energy basis using the expression 4% fat-corrected milk or as fat-corrected milk which is abbreviated FCM.
The formula used is;
#FCM = {0.4 X milk (lb)} + {15 X fat (lb)}
Thus, The energy requirement per pound of 4% fat milk is about 0.34 Mcal of net energy, or 0.33 lb of TDN.
Example: A cow having milk production of 80 Ib ( 36.28 liters) with 3.5 % then it's fat Corrected Milk would be as;
FCM = (0.4 X 80) + ( 15 X 2.8)
FCM = 32 + 42
FCM = 74 Ib or 33.56 Liter with 4 % Fat Percentage
This FCM can be used to calculate energy corrected Mil that is ECM.