Wednesday 10 February 2021

Canine Distemper


Canine Distemper


         CD is the most important disease of pets especially is highly contagious, acute in nature and multi-systemic disease. Usually, pups at the age of weaning or 6th weeks of age are most susceptible. In this disease, the affected pets get a high degree of emaciation.


     CD is caused by Morbilivirus that belongs to Paramyxoviridae. It is an RNA-based enveloped virus that is much related to the human measles is susceptible to the high temperature of 50 Celsius.

Clinical signs:-

It is characterized by

·         Biphasic fever

·         Leucopenia

·         GIT disturbances indicate by vomiting

·         Respiratory disturbances and catarrhal discharge

·         Neurological signs


   Canidae family e.g. dog, fox jackals

   Mustelidae family e.g. parrots, monk

   Felidae family e.g. large leopards, lions

The intensity of infection depends on the virulence of the virus, age of the host and immune status of the host.


   The virus sheds in all secretion of patients. It can transfer to others by feco-oral route .aerosol route and urine and inhalational transfer too.


After the local invasion of the virus, either through oral or inhalational route then affect tonsillar and bronchial lymph nodes and localization occurs in the epithelium tissues. Multiplication occurs in other tissues as retropharyngeal lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, thymus (cause leucopenia) then it enters the GIT. It mainly affects the kuffer cells of the liver then to the epithelium tissues of the intestine and affects the payer's patches and causes GIT disturbances. It leads to viremia thru mononuclear cells.

It has two forms:

1.      Mild form

2.      Multi-systemic form

Mild form occurs depending immune status of the host. In multi-systemic form GIT, respiratory, urogenital, neurological organs get affected. Due to neural involvement, there could be optic nerve damage that can lead to blindness.

Clinical findings:-

Biphasic fever initially of 104 then subsides and again comes and remains for until recovery.

GIT signs :> include vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, metabolic acidosis, and leucopenia    

Respiratory signs :> coughing initially dry cough the mucopurulent cough

Nasal discharge which serous in the beginning but mucopurulent later on.  

Neural signs :> Involuntary activities of muscles of legs, hyperkinesia, paresis or sometimes                paralysis of the hind limb, convulsions, chewing of gums, seizures  the falling of patient, blindness due to optic nerve damage, so-called as pink eye disease due to the presence of necrotic foci on the retina, paddling and keratosis on pads. 


Serological test ELISA

This virus has HA-spikes so Heam-agglutination is done

In old dogs, it characterized by neural signs as ataxia, head pressing 


Oxydil 25mg/kg or ceftiofur 2.2mg/kg

Muscle relaxant vallium+diazepam

Parental therapy

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